Slideshow Objects

SlideShow objects

SlideShow objects In addition to the commands ( that are provided directly by the programming language, you have access to the objects of SlideShow (otherwise the whole would indeed be rather pointless). Objects in SlideShow/Stages are the images, texts, videos, etc. - everything from which a project may be composed. Available SlideShow objects * IPicture ( - Image * IText (http://support.aquasoft....


IBlackboxContainer (BlackboxContainer object) 1. Definition The BlackboxContainer object is of type IBlackboxContainer and derives from ISlideShowObject ( It acts as a visual container for other SlideShow objects ( It operats almost identically to the Chapter object ( However, it is intended for the use in BlackBox objects. They are used to manage co...


ICanvas (Canvas object) 1. Definition The canvas object is of type ICanvas and derives from ISlideShowObject ( It provides the opportunity to draw simple geometric shapes. ICanvas inherits from ISlideShowObject ( function GetWidth: Integer; procedure SetWidth(const Value: Integer); function GetHeight: Integer; procedure SetHeight(const Value: Integer); procedure SetBrush(Color: Integer); proc...


IChapter (Chapter object) 1. Definition The Chapter object is of type IChapter and derives from ISlideShowObject ( It acts as a visual container for other SlideShowObjects ( Those can be arranged without limitation. IChapter inherits from ISlideShowObject ( function GetCaption: string; procedure SetCaption (const Value: string); end; 2. Met...


ICollage (Collage object) 1. Definition The Collage object is of type ICollage and derives from ISlideShowObject ( It acts as a visual container for other SlideShow objects ( These can only be vertically arranged and automatically have all the same length. ICollage inherits from ISlideShowObject ( function GetCaption: string; procedure SetCa...


IDesignerContext 1. Definition The IDesignerContext object is used to exchange data between a script and the Layout designer. 2. Methods * Diese Methode sollte im OnInitDesigner ( aufgerufen werden, wenn das DiaShow-Objekt ein oder mehrere andere Objekte an seiner Statt im Layoutdesigner anzeigen möchte. Das übergebene Objekt dient bei der Darstellung im Layoutdesigner als "Ersatz" für das Objekt, dessen Script diese Methode aufruft. ...


IDesignerChangeTypes 1. Definition Allow the access to the changes made to a SlideShow object. 2. Methods * Adds the change to the existing changes. procedure Add(const Val: TDesignerChangeType ( * Returns as value that defines if this IDesignerChangeTypes object contains the specified change. function Contains(const Val: TDesignerChangeType ( Boolean


IDesignerUpdate 1. Definition This object contains information about changes to SlideShow objects and allows the OnDesignerChanged ( to handle those. 2. Methods * Returns the type of the change. function GetChangeType: IDesignerChangeTypes ( * Sets the type of the change. procedure SetChangeType(const Value: IDesignerChangeTypes (


IEffect (Effect object) 1. Definition The Effect object is of type IEffect and derives from ISlideShowObject ( IEffect inherits from ISlideShowObject ( function GetName: string; end; 2. Methods * Returns the name of the effect function GetName: string; 3. Example


IFace (Face object) 1. Definition The Face object is of type IFace and derives from ISlideShowObject ( Face can be recognized on images or in their contents ( These objects contain a rectangle that borders a face. IFace inherits from ISlideShowObject ( function GetRect: TRectF; end; 2. Methods * Returns the bounding rectangle for the ...


IFilename (File object) 1. Definition The File object is of type IFilename and derives from ISlideShowObject ( It contains a list of file names (incl. their paths) which are relevant for the parent object. The file names are of data type string. IFilename inherits from ISlideShowObject ( function GetFilename(const Index: Integer): string; procedure SetFilename(const Index: Integer; const File...

IMoveable and IPanable

IMoveable and IPanable (Movement objects) 1. Definition Movement objects are either of type IMoveable or IPanable. They derive from ISlideShowObject ( Movement objects are modifiers of other objects. This way objects can be moved or zoomed. They represent movement paths and camera pans, as known from SlideShow/Stages. Movement objects are lists of objects of type ITimeRect (, a data structure, that, ...


IParameters 1. Definition The definition of the interface IParameters, which is used to create Scriptlets ( looks like this: IParameters procedure SetValueAsString(const Key: string; const Value: string); function GetValueAsString(const Key: string): string; procedure SetValueAsFloat(const Key: string; const Value: Single); function GetValueAsFloat(const Key: string): Single; procedure SetValueAsInteger(const Key...


IPath (Path object) 1. Definition This object resembles a visible path. IPath inherits from IMoveable ( procedure Reset; function GetWidth: Integer; procedure SetWidth(w: Integer) procedure SetHead(s: string); procedure SetTail(s: string); procedure SetBody(s: string); procedure SetShape(s: string); procedure SetLengthInTime(t: Integer); end; 2. Methods * Object creation function CreatePathVisualizer: IPath; * Reset...


IPicture (Image object) 1. Definition The Image object is of type IPicture and derives from ISlideShowObject ( IPicture inherits from ISlideShowObject ( function Filename: IFilename (; function Sound: ISound (; function Content: IPictureContent (; end; 2. Me...


IPictureContent (PictureContent object) 1. Definition The PictureContent object is of type IPictureContent. It derives from ISlideShowObject ( The picture content is the actual content. While the Image object ( can hold metadata like its file name in addition to its content, the actual image data are the content. The Collage object ( is treated as a composed i...


IRangeValue 1. Definition is a data type, which makes it possible to specify a range of values instead of a concrete value. This range is defined by two bounding curves.The curves represent values at a given time. If only one curve is defined the RangeValue are the values of this curve at a given time. If two curves are defined the RangeValue outputs a random value between the values of the two curves at a given time. See Examples ( It is a...


IShader (Shader object) 1. Definition The Shader object is of type IShader and derives from ISlideShowObject ( IShader inherits from ISlideShowObject ( function Filename: IFilename (; procedure SetTechnique(TechniqueName: string); procedure SetParamInt(ParamName: string; Value: Integer); procedure SetParamFloat(ParamName: string; Value: Float); proc...

HLSL Shader

HLSL Shader The shader used in the SlideShow for the Shader object ( is written in high-level shading language (HLSL). HLSL was developed by Microsoft for DirectX 9. Shaders suitable for Shader object ( are populated with some default values. Default values If a Shader defines the following parameters (as uniform external <Typ> <Name> ) they are assigned according to the SlideShow. * gTime: flo...


ISlideShowObject (SlideShow object) 1. Definition The SlideShow object is a base class for all objects (, that are used in SlideShow/Stages.. ISlideShowObject procedure SetItem(Index: Integer; Item: ISlideShowObject); function GetItem(Index: Integer): ISlideShowObject; function Text: IText (; function Clone: ISlideShowObject; function CloneWithChildren: ISlideShowObject; procedure SetValueAsString(const...


ISound (Sound object) 1. Definition The Sound object is of type ISound and derives from ISlideShowObject ( ISound inherits from ISlideShowObject ( function Filename: IFilename (; function GetSoundDuration: Integer; procedure SetSoundDuration(const Value: Integer); function GetUseSoundLength: Boolean; procedure SetUseSoundLength(const Value: Boolean)...


IText (Text object) 1. Definition The Text object is of type IText and derives from ISlideShowObject ( IText inherits from ISlideShowObject ( function GetText: string; procedure SetText(const Value: string); end; 2. Methods * Object creation function CreateTextObject: IText; * Getter and Setter for the text function GetText: string; procedure SetText(const Value: string);


ITimeRect 1. Definition ITimeRect derives from ISlideShowObject ( It is a data structure for storing features of an object as a function of the playing time. For example, at time t0 an object can elsewhere and otherwise be rotated, as at time t1. Changes between these two time points are interpolated, which creates Movement paths ( and Camera pens (


ITransformation (Flexi-Collage object) 1. Definition The Flexi-Collage is of type ITransformation and derives from ISlideShowObject ( It acts as a visual container for other SlideShow objects ( These can be arranged without limitations. The Flexi-Collage can, different to the Chapter object (, have own movement paths and transitions. ITransformation...


IUserData 1. Definition This interface makes it possible to store key-value pairs and read them back. 2. Methods * Assigns _Value_ to the _Key_. In case _Key_ had a value assigned already this value will be replaced procedure SetValue(Key: string; Value: Variant) * Returns the value of _Key_. If _Key_ doesn't exist the return value will be empty. function GetValue(Key: string): Variant


IVideo (Video object) 1. Definition The video object is of type IVideo and derives from ISlideShowObject ( IVideo inheris from ISlideShowObject ( function Filename: IFilename (; function GetVolume: Single; procedure SetVolume(const Value: Single); function GetUseVideoLength: Boolean; procedure SetUseVideoLength(const Value: Boolean); function GetMed...


TDesignerChangeType Defines the kind of change in the SlideShow object an. * ctDuration: The duration of the object has changed * ctOffset: The starting time with respect to the parent object has changed * ctContent: Other object date have changed (e.g. the file name of the Image object) * ctEnabled: The object has activated or deactivated * ctThumbnail: A (new) thumbnail for the object has created * ctMoveable: The movement path of the object changed * ctTransparency: The anima...


TFillbackgroundMode 1. Definition Ordinal type for method _FillBackground_ of the Flexi-Collage ( FillBackground specifies wether or not the background of the Flexi-Collage shall be filled. 2. Values * fbOff: no filling * fbOn: fill background * fbAuto: automatic decision wether or not to fill