IPictureContent (PictureContent object)

1. Definition

The PictureContent object is of type IPictureContent. It derives from ISlideShowObject. The picture content is the actual content. While the Image object can hold metadata like its file name in addition to its content, the actual image data are the content. The Collage object is treated as a composed image and as such has an PictureContent object, too.

IPictureContent inherits from ISlideShowObject
  procedure AppendEffect (const Item: IEffect);
  procedure SetStretchMode(sm: Integer);
  function GetStretchMode: Integer;
  procedure SetFillBackground(fillBG: Integer);
  function GetFillBackground: Integer;
  function GetFace (const Index: Integer): IFace;
  function GetFaceCount: Integer;

2. Methods

  • Effects can be applied to Image objects. They are of type IEffect
procedure AppendEffect (const Item: IEffect);
  • Adjust the image to the SlideShow image ratio
    • Value 0: Maintain aspect ratio of the image
    • Value 1: crop
    • Value 2: stretch
    • Value 3: crop intelligently
procedure SetStretchMode(sm: Integer);
function GetStretchMode: Integer;
  • Fill background: if deactivated the previously images stay in place.
    • Value 0: Off
    • Value 1: On
    • Value 2: Automatic
procedure SetFillBackground(fillBG: Integer);
function GetFillBackground: Integer;
  • Faces can be recognized on images. GetFace returns the xth face as IFace
function GetFace (const Index: Integer): IFace;
  • Number of recognized faces
function GetFaceCount: Integer;