1. Definition
The IDesignerContext object is used to exchange data between a script and the Layout designer.
2. Methods
Diese Methode sollte im OnInitDesigner-Hook aufgerufen werden, wenn das DiaShow-Objekt ein oder mehrere andere Objekte an seiner Statt im Layoutdesigner anzeigen möchte. Das übergebene Objekt dient bei der Darstellung im Layoutdesigner als "Ersatz" für das Objekt, dessen Script diese Methode aufruft.
procedure SetDisplayObject(SlideShowObject: ISlideShowObject)
Returns the object that has been set with SetDisplayObject.
function GetDisplayObject: ISlideShowObject
Sets an object as internal object. Hooks, which a IDesignerContext is passed, can use these objects for internal management of data.
procedure SetInternalObject(SlideShowObject: ISlideShowObject)
Returns the object that has been set with SetInternalObject
function GetInternalObject: ISlideShowObject
Allows to store additional data. These are not used by the Layout designer and are only relevant for script internal purposes. The UserData offer the possibility of saving data between Hook calls.
function GetUserData: IUserData