
IBlackboxContainer (BlackboxContainer object)

1. Definition

The BlackboxContainer object is of type IBlackboxContainer and derives from ISlideShowObject. It acts as a visual container for other SlideShow objects. It operats almost identically to the Chapter object. However, it is intended for the use in BlackBox objects. They are used to manage contents of the effects. They can not be removed from the black-box templates by the end user. They may also prohibit that their content will be deleted.

They differ in appearance from the normal chapters in that they do not have a background. So they are transparent themselves and assume the background of their parent object.

IBlackboxContainer inherits from ISlideShowObject
  function GetCaption: string;
  procedure SetCaption (const Value: string);
  function GetCanDeleteChildren: Boolean;
  procedure SetCanDeleteChildren (const Value: Boolean);

2. Methods

  • Object creation

    function CreateChapterObject: IChapter
  • Getter and Setter for the name of the Chapter object
    function GetCaption: string;
    procedure SetCaption (const Value: string);
  • Getter and Setter for the permission whether or not the own child elements can be deleted. If the value is not explicitely set then the deletion of the contents is forbidden by default.
    function GetCanDeleteChildren: Boolean;
    procedure SetCanDeleteChildren (const Value: Boolean);

3. Example

As an example, one can imagine a mask effect. This effect is of course hidden in a BlackBox template. It contains two important tracks: one for the contents that the mask is applied to and one for the mask itself, which, presumably, is an image as well. Both are now modeled as BlackBox container object. In the contents track the end user can freely operate. But the mask should not be changeable, as this could damage the effect. Therefore, here the access is blocked.