IFilename (File object)

1. Definition

The File object is of type IFilename and derives from ISlideShowObject. It contains a list of file names (incl. their paths) which are relevant for the parent object. The file names are of data type string.

IFilename inherits from ISlideShowObject
  function GetFilename(const Index: Integer): string;
  procedure SetFilename(const Index: Integer; const Filename: string);
  function GetAbsoluteFilename(const Index: Integer): string;
  procedure SetAbsoluteFilename(const Index: Integer; const Filename: string);
  function GetCount: Integer;
  procedure AddFilename(const Filename: String);
  procedure DeleteItem (const Index: Integer);
  function IndexOf(const Filename: string): Integer;
  procedure ChangeFilename(const OldFilename, NewFilename: string);

2. Methods

  • Getter and setter for the filename, as entered. They can be both relative and absolute.

    function GetFilename(const Index: Integer): string;
    procedure SetFilename(const Index: Integer; const Filename: string);
  • Getters and setters for the expanded, i.e. absolute file name

    function GetAbsoluteFilename(const Index: Integer): string;
    procedure SetAbsoluteFilename(const Index: Integer; const Filename: string);
  • Number of file names

    function GetCount: Integer;
  • Adds file name to list

    procedure AddFilename(const Filename: String);
  • Deletes file name from list

    procedure DeleteItem (const Index: Integer);
  • Returns index of specific file name (-1 = nonexistent)

    function IndexOf(const Filename: string): Integer;
  • Changes a file name. Expects old file name, looks up the respective entry and if found replaces it with the new file name.

    procedure ChangeFilename(const OldFilename, NewFilename: string);