ITransformation (Flexi-Collage object)
1. Definition
The Flexi-Collage is of type ITransformation and derives from ISlideShowObject. It acts as a visual container for other SlideShow objects. These can be arranged without limitations. The Flexi-Collage can, different to the Chapter object, have own movement paths and transitions.
ITransformation inherits from ISlideShowObject function GetCaption: string; procedure SetCaption (const Value: string); procedure SetFillBackground(const fillBG: TFillbackgroundMode); function GetFillBackground: TFillbackgroundMode; procedure SetItem(Index: Integer; Item: ISlideShowObject); function GetItem(Index: Integer): ISlideShowObject; function GetCount: Integer; property Caption: string read GetCaption write SetCaption; property FillBackground: TFillbackgroundMode read GetFillBackground write SetFillBackground; property Count: Integer read GetCount; end;
2. Methods
Object creation
function CreateTransformation: ITransformation
Getter and Setter for the name of the Flexi-Collage
function GetCaption: string; procedure SetCaption (const Value: string);
Getter and Setter for the background filling
procedure SetFillBackground(const fillBG: TFillbackgroundMode); function GetFillBackground: TFillbackgroundMode;
Getter and Setter for child objects
procedure SetItem(Index: Integer; Item: ISlideShowObject); function GetItem(Index: Integer): ISlideShowObject;
Number of child objects
function GetCount: Integer;