ISound (Sound object)

1. Definition

The Sound object is of type ISound and derives from ISlideShowObject.

ISound inherits from ISlideShowObject
  function Filename: IFilename;
  function GetSoundDuration: Integer;
  procedure SetSoundDuration(const Value: Integer);
  function GetUseSoundLength: Boolean;
  procedure SetUseSoundLength(const Value: Boolean);
  function GetFadeOutBackgroundMusic: Boolean;
  procedure SetFadeOutBackgroundMusic(const Value: Boolean);
  function GetFadeOutDuration: Integer;
  procedure SetFadeOutDuration(const Value: Integer);
  function GetMasterVolume: Integer;
  procedure SetMasterVolume(const Value: Integer);
  function GetStartPos: Integer;
  procedure SetStartPos(const Value: Integer);
  function GetSoundEnd: Integer; 
  procedure SetSoundEnd(const Value: Integer);

2. Methods

  • Object creation

    function CreateSoundObject: ISound;
  • A Sound object requires a file name to the stored sound file. This is stored as IFilename in the object:

    function Filename: IFilename;
  • Total length of the sounds in milliseconds

    function GetSoundDuration: Integer;
    procedure SetSoundDuration(const Value: Integer);
  • Adjust the playing time of the sound containing object to the length of the sound

    function GetUseSoundLength: Boolean;
    procedure SetUseSoundLength(const Value: Boolean);
  • Fade-out background music when playing the sound

    function GetFadeOutBackgroundMusic: Boolean;
    procedure SetFadeOutBackgroundMusic(const Value: Boolean);
  • Fade-in duration of the sounds in milliseconds

    function GetFadeOutDuration: Integer;
    procedure SetFadeOutDuration(const Value: Integer);
  • Volume in percent

    function GetMasterVolume: Integer;
    procedure SetMasterVolume(const Value: Integer);
  • Start time of the sounds in milliseconds

    function GetStartPos: Integer;
    procedure SetStartPos(const Value: Integer);
  • End of the sound object in milliseconds

    function GetSoundEnd: Integer; 
    procedure SetSoundEnd(const Value: Integer);