What's new in SlideShow 10?

SlideShow 10 is packed with all of your favorite features from previous versions and a lot of new features that we hope you'll love. SlideShow 10 has a much greater focus on video than in previous versions, now you have full video editing capability, you can cut pieces out from the middle, beg, end, rearrange them, delete outtakes, etc. There are also new camera motion capabilities, for example you could recreate a show like Prezi quite easily, rotate objects, photos, video in 3D, and use more image editing tools. You can create subtitles in different languages for your videos, adjust the color of the program itself, so darker colors for day time (i.e. Photoshop's color) and lighter colors for evening use (similar to the light gray that we currently offer in 9), better control your project in the layout designer, a new and improved route animator with higher quality maps, more vehicles, and more personalization.

Major new features: 

Professional video editing

Cut, rearrange, and edit your movies with new, comfortable tools. 

Time lapse and Slow motion

Create a time lapse or slow motion movie.


Move objects in three-dimensional space.

Adjustable Blur

You decide the blur intensity and combine it with other effects.

Rotated Camera Pan

Finally, you can zoom with a 360 degree rotation in only one step.

Image data

Automatically add a picture date, author, location, and other information. 

Precise color selection

With the eyedropper tool, you can choose a color from your photos and use for text, shapes, and backgrounds.

New user interface

With 4 themes to choose from your eyes can relax and concentrate on the essentials.

More control in the layout designer

Better editing is now possible with mouse scrolling capabilities.

Faster with 64 bit

With 64 bit technology you can access more system resources, so you can work more efficiently, even with very large files.


Subtitles in various languages make your movies more accessible for a variety of viewers.

Timeline with new features

Now you can view your videos frame-by-frame and easily navigate using the play head.

Create shapes

There are lots of new shapes to choose from and you can always adjust them, make cool color combinations, or add your own.


With the green screen feature you can insert yourself into almost any scene or background (only available in Stages)

New text effects

You can now use popular image effects on text elements. Use premade effects or create your own.